A review by bookwormymegan
So We Can Glow: Stories by Leesa Cross-Smith


an ARC was provided by the publisher (my first one)!

Grand Central Publishing was kind enough to provide ARCs of this short story collection when my class visited Hachette Book Group’s headquarters in NYC. I was immediately smitten- not only is the book gorgeous (I love the diner theme on the cover, and the neon lights really complete the aesthetic while at the same time mirroring the content of the stories). Plus! It’s a short story collection! I love short stories because you can read, but you can also take long pauses between each one, and not forget something important. They’re perfect for those busy times, and as a college student, I have a lot of busy days.

Read the rest of my review on Megan's Book Stacks: https://megansbookstacks.wordpress.com/2020/03/07/my-first-arc-so-we-can-glow-review/