A review by ikandree
Island Witch by Amanda Jayatissa

Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
I’m not going to rate it bc I DNFd it. It was slow but beyond that, it was written about another culture with zero regards for making it easier on other cultures to read. For example, within one sentence the author will use a word, then have to explain that word in everyday language, but have to do that a few times in one sentence. The story simply does not flow bc there are too many words that need explaining. Further the names also interrupt the flow. The father is called Thaththa. I’m sure the names are familiar to the culture but, again written for a broader audience, these could have been better chosen. 

I fully realize that these may seem petty to some but the story simply wasn’t interesting enough to be able to glance over these issues. They highlighted the problems already there.