A review by frannyhaha
All My Secrets by Sophie McKenzie


Original, haunting , memorable. A must-read for Summer 2015.

Sophie Mackenzie is known for her award-winning vivid novels and her latest work will not disappoint.

Before reading this book i had never read any Sophie Mackenzie. Even though the mention of her name emitted praise. Mystery novels are not usually my thing. But, I was intrigued by the blurb so i picked it up. Well I had high expectation and this book definitely met them.

I loved this book as i found the main protagonist relatable as i've uncovered things about my family's past and history, As many people do in there teenage years. There were few major plot twists that i didn't except. I really liked this aspect as i hate a predictable book. I loved the depth of the characters and how unusual the friendship dynamic were( fiction wise)

I thought it was clever how Mackenzie weaved subtle romance into the plot. Without drowning the mystery element in slushy romantic scenes like most young-adult adult authors do.

I hope Mackenzie writes a sequel about Evie, Pepper, Anna , Josh and Kit possibly solving another mystery. As i found the characters too interesting to let go after 294 pages. I will definitely be exploring the mystery genre more after reading this wonderful book.

This book is being released till July 2015, I read an advanced copy of this book forwww.lovereading4kids.co.uk/