A review by christinecc
La vie mystérieuse, insolente et héroïque du docteur James Barry by Isabelle Bauthian


As a big fan of Agnès Maupré, I wasn't going to let this new work of hers go by. In collaboration with Isabelle Bauthian's writing, Maupré illustrates a slice of the life & times of Dr. James Barry, nee Margaret Bulkley. Barry was born a woman and subsequently used subterfuge to become a surgeon under a male name.

If there's one thing I regret, it's the lack of development for Barry. The writing doesn't do much besides give us an idea of Barry's stress, drive, and ultimately solitude. It's moving, but maybe less so than what might have been achieved with maybe some more pages. It's the story of a person who becomes someone else, but it's never entirely clear why. Is it to help people? Is it a passion for medicine? An attempt to run from a traumatic past? Slight trigger warning there, though only by a very veiled reference.
Basically an assault by an uncle at a very young age, possibly 13, followed by a pregnancy that leaves very noticeable stretch marks.
We never find out, and maybe that's fine, but in fiction I prefer a little more finality.

Recommended for anyone interested in Barry's fascinating life or a glimpse of medical developments in British-occupied Cape Town. More of a visual delight than a gripping story, in spite of the strong source material.