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A review by writervid
Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier


LMAO I guess I'm just rereading books now?

So, context: I loved these books in 4th and 5th grade. They were my first foray to real YA lit. I had sticky notes stuck in my copy of Sapphire Blue to try and puzzle out all the symbolism and poetry, and a pretty decent idea of what would happen from that. I remember being horribly disappointed in the ending, although I can't remember it at all.

It's not great. It's rather romance-heavy with little development, though the world is promising, but since this is only the introduction to it, who knows what will happen? I'm tired and I wish to sleep so I'm not going to write more, but I'll say this: very solid non-critical read, speed-through, entertaining book. Is it great? No. Will I put it down? Absolutely not.