A review by gloryreadstoomuchh
Wait for It by Mariana Zapata


Mariana Zapata has done it once again. I am re read wait for it and it was just as good as I remember it, not as good as kulti or under locke, but still pretty amazing. The book started with Diana saving jackson (dallas’ brother) from getting jumped and brought him back home (he was living with dallas at the time). Dallas came to her house the next day to apologize for his brothers behavior. To add some backstory here, dianas brother and his wife passed away and so there two boys (josh and louie) went to diana’s custody. Also dallas was married and wanted to get a divorce but his wife wanted to take him for half of what he had, even though she was using him.

In the beginning Dallas thought that Diana was flirting with him, but she was not. After that notion ended they were connected in a lot of ways, Dallas is josh’s baseball coach, dallas’ grandma is mrs pearl (the old lady that lives in the neighborhood as well), dallas’ cousin is dianas boss, and the three of them (diana, trip, and dallas) become pretty good friends.

There were so many cute moments in this book, like when dallas started calling diana baby, omg i was screaming, zapata really gives a breadcrumbs, when he helped the three of them get rid of lice, coming to josh’s birthday party, building louies quarter pipe, coming to get diana when she was drunk (he was there the whole time), the thing that i found most admirable was that dallas didnt do anything with diana until he was truly divorced.

The ending was so sweet, when louie wanted dallas to adopt him, i do with he would have adopted josh as well, but knowing him he probably didnt want it.

The wall of winnipeg is next, then the best thing, and lastly will be from lukov with love (which wont be a re read because i never read it. I might as well put my ranking for her books in this review, it has to go somewhere. 1. Kulti 2. Under locke 3. Dear aaron 4. Wait fot it 5. All rhodes lead here 6. Luna and the lie 7. Hands down. Looking at it and seeing that ive re read 7 of her books in the past two months is crazy, maybe i should do a yearly re read?!?