A review by gorjessina17
The Girl in the City by Philip Harris


**I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through NetGalley.**

Well, I was going to spend this review enthusiastically telling you about the amazing world-building that Harris was able to accomplish in less than 100 pages...and then I found out that this story is basically an add-on for another author's work (Pennsylvania by Michael Bunker). So that review is out. ;)

This little story is still very good however. The characters don't have a huge amount of background (which is to be expected in such a short novel), but what you do get is really interesting. You come to honestly care about what happens to them, especially the main character Leah.

The story stops in a good spot, at the end of the immediate action and before you get too much into the aftermath. I would have loved to learn more about what happened to Leah afterwards, though.

I don't want to go into too much detail and spoil things, so I'll just say that this was a good little novella that made me want to read the original work.