A review by melbsreads
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Vol. 2: The Weeping Angels of Mons by Robbie Morrison


3.75 stars.

I was a little scared going into this, given that I had really mixed feelings about the first volume of this series. But the cover was sufficiently badass that I picked it up anyway.

And I'm so glad I did. The Weeping Angels are my favourite Doctor Who villain, and they're done in such a great way here. Add in the idea of the Weeping Angels hanging out in the Somme and dumping soldiers all through history, and you've got yourself one hell of a good time.

My main gripe with this was that the art wasn't great at times? I mean, the backgrounds were fabulous. But the Tenth Doctor rarely looked like the Tenth Doctor. And every female character (which was basically Gabby and a couple of other one-panel randoms) was drawn in a total stereotypical comic book tits-and-arse way, which nooooooooo.

The second story that was tacked onto the end of this one was...meh. Decidedly mediocre. So this would have been a 4.25 star read for me. But between the meh-tastic second story and the weirdo art? Yeah, I had to bump it down half a star.