A review by chthonic_child
Bloody Heart by Sophie Lark


In this one we follow big brother Dante Gallo and find out about his lovestory with Simone. Lemme start off by saying that I once again lOVED Aida in this one, her relationship with her brothers is so good and i find it so funny how she gets her way xD. Dante was describes as a huge man every 2 sentences so I figure he's as broad and tall as a skyscraper by now lol. Simone got on my nerves, a lot, this book. Though basically anything from Dante's pov and the storyline itself I really enjoyed. It was the most mafia one out of all of them i think, and had some really intense moments. Also... some, very hmhmhmhmmh moments that I don't want to mention because of spoilers but if you have heavy annoyances or TW's i'd recommend checking those as it will most likely be in there xD. I feel like the writing itself got a lot better and the book felt way more fleshed out. Maybe because it was kind of in two parts, first the whole beginning and then the 2nd chance side of it. 

Dante would get all the chances imo tho, this man deserves the entire world after what he's been through. Babes Nero also got some spotlight again and I really hope we're going to see more family stuff again in the next book. I love the interactions they have all together. Dante is probably my new favourite in the series, with the book of Camille and Nero being my fav couple so far :D