A review by tanyad74
Ecstasy Unveiled by Larissa Ione


I really felt for Lore. He suffered as most of our heroes have, but his desire to be connected to family really pulled at my heart strings. I wanted him to be accepted by his brothers. Being an assassin just didn't suit his personality and I wanted him to break out of that as fast as he could. Then the risk and unpredictability of his power made his life even lonelier. He had his sister, Sin, but their relationship was swamped with guilt.

Idess was also alone. She had a job to do, but had spent the last thousand or so years of her life pretty much on her own. As she waits for her calling, she must keep herself pure and "good" so pretty much keeps to herself to avoid temptations except when her hunger drives her to feed. She struggles with feeding too. It's not something she is comfortable with.

So we have these two lonely souls, with a big job to do. Unfortunately, that job stands between the two of them. THEN, Idess's job gets an even more complicated twist and trying to stop Lore is going to be a lot harder than she anticipated.

I really enjoyed that we had such two alike personalities coming together. You really want to root for both of them as they have both been alone for so very long. Then just when you think they are going to have their HEA, you see there is another 25% of your book left and you just know something is going to happen. Those last little surprises after you think you have an HEA get me every time. I do a groan and "OMG NO" every time. I should be prepared when reading these by now! Larissa Ione gets me every time.

Of course we have all kinds of other things going on around the Seminus brothers and all their families. We also have Sin causing problems, which doesn't help Lore with his relationship with his brothers. I'd say family plays a HUGE part of this story! I definitely enjoyed Ecstasy Unveiled and can't wait to get into Sin's story. She's going to a tough nut to crack!

It was different having a male narrator for this book, but Paul Boehmer did a good job. It's hard with this series since each book has a different narrator, but I don't think the big change into a male narrator hurt the book at all.

This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict