A review by classiccarissa
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One and Two by John Tiffany


I read this book a few years back and don't plan on rereading it because I no longer own it, but I gave it two stars based on my initial reaction to the book and what I can remember! :)
I disliked the writing strongly. I agree with the sentiment that seeing this live would be an entirely different, and more enjoyable, experience, what with costumes, set etc. I thought the end plot twist was ridiculous and I complained about it to my dad, a longtime HP fan. It's not that I feel the playwrights themselves are bad at what they do, it just wasn't for me. I of course loved the friendship between Albus and Scorpius, and I think the dynamic of having the history of the past weigh so much heavier on the two of them as opposed to the other children is interesting as it plays into their relationship. I love the idea of post-Battle of Hogwarts life, but it just felt off to me. My opinion could be different now versus then upon a reread, but as someone who grew up on Harry Potter, this was not something I enjoyed.