A review by lattelibrarian
The Ghost of Fossil Glen by Cynthia C. DeFelice


This book was my everything when I was in fifth grade.  Y'all, this book is SO GOOD.  And now, years later, I realized my library had it--so I obviously checked it out.  Reading this book after taking a Sci-Fi/Fantasy and Ecocrit course helped me add so many layers I didn't even realize back in the day.  So much, in fact, that I basically thrust this book into my professor's hands.  

Fossil Glen has history dating back to before humans even existed--trilobytes and fossilized amber proliferate the area.  Not to mention, of course, the various species of flora and fauna that live there.  But their existence is threatened by its new owner who wishes to convert the land into a housing complex.  Which brings up some questions--whose land is it?  And can anyone really own land that's existed for millions of years?  Not only that, but is the glen deadly?  How can it be perceived as both beautiful and threatening at the same time?  Or does land even require our judgement imposed upon it at all?  Please, professor, if you're reading this somehow, tell me all of the answers!  In the mean time, I'll just be brushing up on my ecocrit...

But for real, this book is just so involved.  Not only is Allie dealing with avenging a ghost, but she's also dealing with friend drama and making sure her parents understand that she's most certainly not a basket case. 

Every time I've been hiking or rock climbing (...not that often, sadly) since I first read this book, I've thought about the climax every single time.  A ghost, a girl, and a businessman.  Down with capitalism, am I right, ladies? 

Ultimately, this book was just so nostalgic for me, and I was so glad to still enjoy it as much now that I'm much older.  This is perfect for bridging the children's literature/middle grade gap for tweens who love nature, fossils, and ghosts! 

Review cross-listed here!