A review by nin275
Reborn by Jennifer Rush


Okay I am pissed now.

Bravo Ms. Rush, for turning me against one of my favorite series.

I wanted to know Nick's story, by which I mean his past, not his now, where he goes after a girl because he has to know he hasn't killed her (Really Nick, really? You've killed hundred others and knowing this one girl wasn't killed by your hands will give you salvation? Mindfreak!).

This is a freaking filler book. I absolutely detest filler books. Nothing even happens for the first 70% of the book, other than the typical New Adult-ish first world problems of the main protagonist going all 'Oh I am so sad! Oh only he/she can save me because I'm secretly hot though I act crazy all the time! Oh my Gawd my hair feels so messy I must be crazy!' bla bla bla. Stupid idiots. The last 30% isn't much ground shattering either.

And I did NOT want to be in Elizabeth's head. What was the point of her POV? Just give me Nick's past dammit! But no, we get so see his freaking present now because he needs to fall in LOOOOOve to feel good about himself.

This has turned into another money-making franchise and I'm not interested to continue anymore, unless it's Cas's story because Cas is funny.