A review by panda_incognito
Molly's Cookbook: A Peek at Dining in the Past With Meals You Can Cook Today by Jeanne Thieme, Jodi Evert, Polly Athan


I read this series months ago, and am wildly delayed in sharing my thoughts. However, I really loved this! I enjoyed the historic photographs, the cultural context for WWII America, the rations-based recipe ideas, and the delightful fun fact sidebars. I have enjoyed telling people that U.S. stores stopped selling sliced bread in 1943 to reduce food waste, and that pilots used to make ice cream by putting the ingredients in a can, leaving it in the back of their plane, and letting the turbulence do its work. This book is a trove of interesting information and fun tie-ins to Molly's established character and circumstances, and I am very glad that I added it to my American Girl library.


When I first pursued the American Girl craft books, I wasn't sure if I was even interested in the cooking series, since I am on a very restricted diet for health reasons and wouldn't be able to use almost any of these recipes in the kitchen. However, I knew that I should get the Molly cookbook for the WWII-specific recipe ideas and historical information about rationing, and I decided that I may as well get all of the books. After all, after being on a very restricted diet for the past ten years, it's hard for me to come up with stuff for my characters to eat when I'm writing. It's all research!

I am very glad that I got these books, and they far surpassed my expectations. Although I enjoyed the craft-related books and would be far more likely to use them, the domestic history in the cookbooks absolutely fascinated me. These are far more than just recipe collections, and include detailed, specific information about domestic life and women's experiences. I would recommend the series to kids who are interested in making food that their favorite American Girl characters ate, but I would also recommend this series to adults who are interested in women's history or cultural anthropology related to food.

Each book includes introductory information and sidebars related to what cooking was like during the character's era, how cooking and food connected with the daily rhythms of family life, how people preserved food, and what was unique about cookbooks during that time. The recipes themselves also briefly include historical information, and the team responsible for these cookbooks did an amazing job of selecting recipes that kids and their parents can realistically make with minimal hassle, while still truly experiencing the types of foods that were common during specific times in history. Each book also concludes with ideas for themed parties that would connect to the character's background and celebrations that they would have participated in.