A review by just_hebah
Completely Yours by Erin Nicholas


It's always nice when a book you remember being really fun stands up well to a re-read.

The first time I read this, I devoured it, enjoying the nerdy heroine and the intrigued hero who tries to understand the depth of her fannish enjoyment. It also deals quite a bit with the depth of long-term, online friendships, which is not something you see often in adult fiction, or at least, not in romance. Reading it made me realize I want to see a lot more like this in my contemporary romances--I hadn't fully realized what I was missing until I saw it beautifully executed.

This second time through, I took a bit more time to break it down and analyze it before diving into my fourth foray into NaNoWriMo. Reading it again made me realize how well she deployed several very familiar romance tropes in spite of the unconventionality of its heroine--the first trope is in the series name: Opposites Attract. There's also a Fake Relationship. And possibly the first Alpha Hero I could actually stand (that's really not my trope of choice, but here, Zach's need to be in control of everything stems from well-executed insecurities about needing to be needed and wanting to fix everyone else's problems).