A review by jaimejustreadsromance
Crazy for the Competition by Cindi Madsen


I enjoyed the fresh take of a virgin and a bad boy because the bad boy wasn't really so bad after all and the virgin stayed true to her beliefs even after falling hard for said bad boy. I was extremely annoyed by Quinn's father for being so strict and so judge mental and disapproving of everything that she did. Even her sister made me angry because she didn't encourage her to be happy but rather to conform. I loved that Quinn was still pushing to be her own person even while struggling to be everything her family expected of her. From her loud laugh to her inappropriate cussing in church, Ives everything about her.

Heath was the best kind of bad boy because he wasn't really a bad boy at all. Everyone just perceived him to be and he did nothing to change their opinions. Ironically he was the best guy in this whole book, as far as I could tell. He did everything in his power to make sure his little brother was taken care of and was working hard to make sure that his older brother has someplace solid to come back to after leaving the military.

This was a sweet romance with very little angst but a whole lot of annoying, pushy family involvement. If you need a book with lots of sex and steam, this is not the book for you. If you enjoy a book where the characters have chemistry that's off the charts but keep to their believes, you will love it!

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review