A review by cassthebookseller
The Sun Trail by Erin Hunter


I’ll start off with this: I definitely didn’t want to read this book.

You must be saying, “omg why Cassandra? Don’t you obsessively talk about this series to anyone who will listen?” And that answer is yes. HOWEVER. After the heart wrenching ending to Omen of the Stars, I went into this absurd Warriors boycott that had me convinced that I could no longer read these books if they didn’t have MY characters that I love in it.

I’ve always had a slight problem getting into each series of Warriors because of this. It’ll take me a big pout to get used to the next generation and then get over it. And then gush about it. I cling too hard, a character flaw.

The only reason I picked this up was because it was in my car. And because I didn’t have anything else in my current reading pile to read. (Hilariously I work in a bookstore but don’t ShAmE me for being who I am). God I hated it. Or wanted to hate it. I was so annoyed that it was once again taking place in the mountains with the Tribe. I had absolutely no connection to this new set of characters and I actually wanted to die.

Thankfully I took a chill pill and actually finished it. And it wasn’t half bad, you know? Grey Wing is the boy, he’s a solid character with so much potential. I found that I really didn’t mind getting into the lives of these new cats even if they weren’t kin of my bb Firestar. It wasn’t my favorite, not in the slightest! But it was far more interesting that I wanted to believe.

I found myself fangirling when this group of mountain cats described places that I knew from the first set of 6. I also kept sorting cats into which clans they might be in at the end of this. Who knew I actually cared about how the clans were formed now? I’m a dirty hypocrite.

Cloud Sky is the WORST. I didn’t like him before he left and by the end of this I certainly cannot for the life of me care about him or his stupid territory rules. It made me eyeroll. I questioned the decisions of Storm and Turtle Tail, of Grey Wings choice in women, and most of the decisions made by those the book followed.

Despite all of this, I will read. I hate myself but I will finish this series if it’s the last thing I do.