A review by toyboxtrash
Alex by Sawyer Bennett


This is very young adult, and no where near the level of smut I like. May as well have been fade to black scenes.

It was also very predictable. The angst, the inevitable break-up at around 80%, the shitty childhoods and one overcoming it and one not.

I just wasn’t blown away by any of this book. Nothing jumped out at me, nothing made me think this was any different than other books I’ve read.

I actually wanted to see more of Sutton’s work day, how she interacted with her patients and I wanted to see them working on their drug awareness programme (yeah we had one chapter that was like a ‘test run’ but no showing of them actually going to the schools). We never saw if any of the kids contacted Sutton especially when the author mentioned the one girl who was nodding her head and agreeing with Sutton.

I just felt like the whole thing was supposed to be based around this project and then we don’t really see anything happen with it. I probably won’t buy the rest of the series but I might read if they ever come into KU.