A review by andshe_reads
From My Balcony to Yours by Nino Gugunishvili


I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

We've all lived it... that bloody pandemic, 2 years of pure hell... or was it? We all have our own experiences of what lockdown meant for us!

This is Nino's experience of Coronavirus, the pandemic, & lockdown. I loved how Witty her story is right from the very first page. The humour and sarcasm had me grinning until the end. Her story is so relatable as I'm sure many of us had thoughts just like hers in the beginning and then towards the end when all we wished for was freedom!

I'm a homebird and would easily choose staying in over going out anyday but when someone else is telling you you're not allowed out I found myself craving the outdoors more than ever!

I think my fave bit was when Nino questions what happened when the pandemic is over? What would we change? Are our goals going to be any different? Have we learnt anything?

Overall a quick easy to read book which truly captured me.