A review by romancebookloverinseattle
More Than Forever by Jay McLean


Super conflicted. The writing is really good and I love the characters created, but so much of this drove me nuts. On the one hand they all act older than their age, and then on the other they all act so incredibly young and immature for their age.

The OW drama, which was such a big part of this book, just didn't work for me.
SpoilerI didn't like that Luccy tells him again and again how she feels threatened by Roxy and Cam didn't take any steps to mitigate that and again and again put himself in situations he shouldn't have been in. I get there was no intent on his part, but I never felt like he ever fully acknowledged what he did wrong and what he should have done differently - he just sort of excused it all along. Then when Roxy comes out and tells him she has feelings for him, he is a complete jerk to her and yells at her calling her names. Really, she wasn't the one who did anything wrong in this. The blame lies with him and she didn't deserve his treatment there. I just wish we would have seen him change and take action after Lucy had taken off but before Roxy told him of her interest. I want my characters to learn from their mistakes, grow and then see them in a similar situation but making a choice that shows their growth. Also - Cam cried off an on in this book and I have to admit, that bugged me. I really don't want a H that cries almost as much as the h!

Trigger Warning:
SpoilerThis story has an ectopic pregnancy and then the h is told it will be impossible to have children again without intervention- and that she probably can't carry them. Miscarriages are absolutely horrid. They leave you wrecked, devastated and an emotional mess. I thought her pushing him away because of it was incredibly realistic. But the whole funeral thing and going on and on and on about their loss, when they didn't know they were pregnant, and are in college just seemed unnecessarily dramatic and OTT and really bothered me. A LOT. As someone who lost twins, after trying for a while, I completely get how horrible it is, but this just seemed way too much and really irked me greatly. Being devastated over the future diagnosis and spending more time there would have been way more acceptable to me. Which leads me to my frustration at the end of the book - they are moving forward with IVF. Hello??? What happened to her not being able to carry a baby to term??? IVF does NOT solve that.

I really did love the characters and some of the situations, it just got way too dramatic in parts and dragged things on. Had some of this been tighter and less dramatic this could have been a 5 star read for me.