A review by quixoticreads
A Throne for Sisters (5-6) by Morgan Rice

Did not finish book.

The Laughing Listener

July 2018
Format: Kindle Ebook

DNF @ 18%

I should probably start this by warning everyone of my only child status, which causes me to have a disconnect with sibling relationships in books sometimes. I don’t really know what’s it’s like to be or have a sibling and I think I can judge characters too harshly because of this. That being said, I thought Sophia in this book was WACK.

Right off the bat I could tell this world was well thought out. I was intrigued by it, but dang, we’re thrown right in the action and it was kind of jarring. The opening scene is of sisters Sophia and Kate fleeing their terrible orphanage in a high action chase. But having just met these characters, I found myself weirdly disinterested in the outcome. I wish there had been a bit more build up to it. It would have been great to have a small glimpse of their life in the orphanage and their familial bond before seeing them run away. I would have cared a lot more.

After they ditch their pursuers, Sophia and Kate must decide what to do next and they have very different opinions. With Sophia being more feminine and soft and Kate more rugged and strong, they are “two sides of the same coin” (as the book says). I really admired Kate’s strength and her longing for freedom. She wanted to flee to the countryside where they could learn to fight and take care of themselves away from prying eyes. Ummm, which makes perfect sense??? But Sophia comes up with some wacko plan to become a royal. She wants to go to the castle and just blend into high society. Because yeah, THAT’S TOTALLY HOW IT WORKS.

Sarcasm alert

When I left the book they decided to part ways. Kate is going to run off and learn how to fight while Sophia goes to the castle to carry out her insane plan to blend into royalty and land herself a sugar daddy. I have no doubt that Sophia will probably succeed somehow, but I REALLY don’t feel like sitting around and watching her carry out a plan that’s riddled with holes and problems. If this book was just about Kate, I’d probably keep reading, but Sophia killed this for me.

Plus, it’s pretty apparent that Sophia knows what happened to their parents and Kate doesn’t. They’ve spent years in a crappy orphanage and poor Kate has no idea why. Sophia refuses to share it with her for whatever reason and I thought that was so sucky!! Maybe Sophia’s reasons were good, but Kate still has a right to know what happened to her own parents! Ugh.

Sorry guys, this one just wasn’t for me.