A review by leahshafik
Kisses for Jet by Joris Bas Backer


I really wanted this to be good as I love the trans-representation and it's set in my era so I could relate. However, it was lack-lustre. I will write why but there may be spoilers.

TW: mentions of self harm, body image, body dysmorphia, mental health, post-partum depression

1) Jet is clearly at a crossroads in their lives, looking for answers before the age of the internet and before being trans was really something people knew about in the wider world. At that time, although I am not sure what it was like in the Netherlands, Section 28 was still happening in the UK so this would have not been talked about, at all. Especially in schools

2) There is a huge amount of stories that are untold but there is no real direction ever.
a) Sasha, is she gay? Or is she self-harming? Or does she have eczema? Does she fancy Jet? I can't work it out. She isn't a great friend either. She is self-loathing and self-deprecating but I guess what teenager wasn't/isn't.
b) The headteacher / manager of the children's home is seen stealing food, and there is a conspiracy about it and then at the end she disappears. There is no explanation of it, that is the story, nothing else. This could have been amazing. There could have been a great sub-plot but nope.
c) Mother was suffering from post-partum depression but there was no real reason why it was mentioned. There was no explanation of the relationship between Jet and their mother. It was just weird.
d) The relationship between Jet and their father seemed close and, reading between the lines, the suggestion is that they were the closest and 'maybe' that's why Jet wanted to be male? Because they had been so influenced by their father. But possibly I made that up. It wasn't clear.
e) There was a weird romance between a bad boy and a sister at the home but nothing was clear. That never went anywhere. It was, again. Weird.
f) There was a kind of romance between Jet and another boy but that was never explored futher.
g) There was an incident with a cellphone being stolen and Saeed being beaten up but nothing came of it, Saeed just disappeared. Did it have something to do with the headteacher / manager person?
h) Rene the house leader was being reprimanded for opening his room in his dressing gown. And had a friendship with an art teacher, who I think was a lesbian and maybe trying to get Jet to join their lesbian friends after an art class. Oh and Jet liked art - I didn't even know this - and then there was no mention of it again.

All in all I genuinely think this was a mind fart of many things and needed refining.

I think it could have been a few books with lots of great sub-plots and I actually really enjoyed the art.