A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
The Orphan Witch by Paige Crutcher


The Orphan Witch by Paige Crutcher has Persephone May searching for where she belongs. She has always felt lost. When her one friend invites her Wile Isle, North Carolina, Persephone accepts the invitation. She can tell right away that Wile Isle is different. Persephone can feel the power on the island. This may be the place Persephone has been searching for, but all is not as it seems. The description of The Orphan Witch captured my attention, and I was eager to read it. I began the book and I found myself reading long, drawn out chapters. The writing felt awkward, and the pacing is slow. The first couple of chapters felt like an information dump as we are told Persephone’s history. I had a hard time wading through this story because of the writing. The multiple point-of-views did not help matters and there was little action. I also found certain elements to be confusing. I wish I could have connected with the characters and become invested in this tale. This paranormal novel was just not the right fit for me. The Orphan Witch is a story about family curses, spells, witches, and Persephone finding her where she belongs.