A review by shauna_reads
The Art of Taking It Easy: How to Cope with Bears, Traffic, and the Rest of Life's Stressors by Brian King


Not a fan.
King, a self-proclaimed non-worrier, writes a book about.... worrying. I understand the intention was to outline some tips on how to worry less and be more like Dr. King, especially for those who are plagued by worry in our daily lives. But how many times did he have to remind the reader he is naturally laid-back, generally unbothered, and go-with-the-flow? We. Get. It. All of us who worry constantly are annoyed by now!!!
Also, the help offered was actually not all that helpful in that nothing written was profound. All of it has been heard before many times. If I heard one more analogy referencing either a bear or a traffic jam, I was going to s c r e a m.
In all honestly this book annoyed me and I had to push myself to finish it.
So why did I finish it? It was a short, quick read and I kept hoping there would be some small nugget of helpful takeaway info.