A review by bfdbookblog
Crazy Like A Foxe by Haley Walsh


***Audiobook Review***

I don’t know what else I can say about Joel Leslie that I haven’t already said. He’s the perfect vocal performer for this series. He makes the stories and characters come to life. I’m fascinated that he can perform other books with vastly different characters and come back to this series with each new book and perform them perfectly every time. As I stated in my last review…he IS the characters in this series.

Oh, Ms. Walsh do I have a bone to pick with you! HOW could you do that to us???? In case you haven’t heard, she’s left us with a bit of a cliffhanger ending with Skyler and Keith. And I need Stone Cold Foxe RIGHT NOW!

We actually get quite a few surprises in this book! Sidney lays a whooper on us. We get a glimpse into Keith’s past which he’s not particularly proud of but he continues to melt our hearts when he’s with Sky-boy. Skyler shows us some vulnerabilities we didn’t know existed, as well as a maturity level that is surprising when dealing with his kids and his part time summer job. Philip and Rodolfo share some big news as well. I guess Jamie and Dave need to catch up on surprising us.

As always, I loved this book and the vocal performance and CAN NOT wait for the next one!