A review by monitaroymohan
All-Star Superman, Vol. 1 by Grant Morrison

Did not finish book.


I have no idea why this was on my reading list, but I thought to finally give it a shot. Bad idea! This is crap. Like, wow, I can't believe this. I gave up after three issues because it was painful to look at.

The basic premise, I'm guessing, is that Superman is dying from a close encounter with the Sun, so he's living out the last of his days. The beginning issue is kind of confusing when establishing who is working for Lex Luthor and who needs saving - I blame poorly placed panels.

The writing is pretty nonsensical. After the scientist (who was just saved by Supes) tells Superman that he is dying, they go on a long tour of the scientific facility. It's utterly random and unrealistic. He may be Superman, but you'd think he'd have a greater reason to react to his impending death. He doesn't. After the tour, Supes becomes Clark and runs back to the Daily Planet with a scoop.

And then it is Lois Lane's birthday. Supes reveals his identity as Clark to her, but she refuses to believe him. Seriously, she doesn't get it. They spend the whole of the second issue at the Fortress of Solitude, with the inclusion of a gratuitous page of Lois showering and changing. She proceeds to spend the entirety of the issue in a stupid back-less, floor-hugging dress of the greatest impracticality! I mean... comics, man, they're the worst sometimes.

Issue #3 is when the stupid really hits the fan. Supes gives Lois the birthday gift of 24-hour super-serum (don't ask me), so she can fly around ineffectually alongside him. He also gives her a costume, but seems to have run out of material to put leggings on it. The whole issue is three guys attempting to win Lois - the lady will decide who she spends this special day with, by being forced to spend it with whoever wins their stupid contests. It's really dumb... I mean, this kind of plot line wouldn't be acceptable today (or so I hope), but I can't imagine it being acceptable in 2006, either. I am wrong, obviously. Lois has no character or personality - she's a trophy to be won and flaunted by Supes. I'm sure things get better as the series goes on, but why would I torture myself to find out?

The art is hideous. It's probably atypical of 2006 comic books, but an eye-sore today. Supes is super-huge, I mean, he's one pot-belly away from being the Blob. In contrast Lois Lane is tiny and super-skinny. She looks like a child next to him, and it's utterly gross. In her stupid superhero costume, she looks even younger and more grossly drawn. I think the art stopped me from reading further, forget the pedantic writing style.

Pretty much every male in the book hits on Lois; the comments are sleazy as hell, too. It's like she's the only woman on Earth and men have no idea how to act around a woman. This just... it's too annoying to read.

Everyone loves this series, but I couldn't make it through even part of it. I'm not the biggest DC fan, and comics like this remind me why. There's often nothing redeeming a DC comic book, and it's no wonder I stick to reading only a few of their series, that too in fits and bursts. Any more than that, and I'll break something.