A review by tricky
Bloodring by Faith Hunter


I just could not get into this book at all. I struggled to get over the main character struggling with being in heat all the time, the other characters moved in and out of the story but never seem to pull the story along.
It was also really annoying about how many times I had to told about her amulets, her rocks, and her past.
The other problem was that secondary characters had things revealed about them but then that was it, wait for book 2 or 3 to find out what it might means.
You can tell the author is trying to build a series but to me there was no clear defined bad guys, no real pulling out the threads of a major conspiracy plot, no real sense of who the major players were and why there was an urgency to move an entire town. It was hinted that it was something more sinister but never came through.
The term witchy woman - please!
I'm sure others will enjoy the book but it just was not for me.