A review by michalice
The Stars Never Rise by Rachel Vincent


The Stars Never Rise was so not what I expected....I really don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't what I read, but I mean that in the most positive way there is. You know those books that you pick up and have a fantastic opening, that really drags you into the scene and keeps you engrossed throughout the chapter, then slowly fizzles out. Well The Stars Never Rise has an amazing opening scene, and instead of fizzling out, it just gets better and better. The first chapter alone has you on edge and curious to know what will happen next, and that just continues throughout the pages, with Rachel throwing surprise after surprise at you. I did not see a lot of things coming....except one with the sister Melanie...but everything else completely blindsided me.

Nina lives in New Temperance with her sister Melanie, and thier Mum, who isn't really stable enough to be a parental figure, so Nina takes over, making sure her sister is fed, clothed, and goes to school. On the way home Nina is attacked by a degenerate, and is saved by a mysterious stranger, who is also an exorcist. While Nina thinks that is the end of the exorcist, she soon finds out that what she thought was true, had been a complete lie, and once that lie is uncovered, then a series of events lead to lie after lie being discovered.
New Temperance was definitely a strange place to live, with strange beliefs and a very strange way of life. Having to be trapped in this small town, live the way they live, even having medical procedures because they deem you unfit can not be a nice way of life, and I felt sorry for everyone who was forced to live like this. Seeing what Nina and Melanie have to endure was saddening, and scary.

The Stars Never Rise was an unputdownable read that I devoured, only pausing when my battery died on me. It was just what I expected from Rachel, but so much more. I loved the little twist with the whole Finn situation and I am interested in seeing how that will all play out through the rest of this series. I love the new 'friends' that Nina makes, and how they not only save her life, but also help her out with retrieving someone. They not only made me laugh, but showed me that an unlikely group of teens can band together and overcome all the odds against them.

After finishing The Stars Never Rise, my only thought was that I needed the next book now......the long and torturous countdown is on until I get my hands on the next installment.

Final Verdict
I have only read one of Rachel's series before, but I have a full one and the start of one waiting to be read. I know for a fact that I will be picking up this series to add to my collection.