A review by snazzybooks
Your Closest Friend by Karen Perry


Book reviews on www.snazzybooks.com

I am a huge Karen Perry fan, and Your Closest Friend is another brilliant read for me that ticks all the boxes - interesting characters, secrets, and mystery mixed with a real sense of atmosphere.

I liked that the beginninf really left me wondering where the book was going to go - I had purposefully not read the synopsis again right before starting the book, so the sense of confusion and havoc surrounding the terrorist attack which takes place right at the start of the book really threw me! I wondered how this would all tie in - but everything soon kicks into action! 

The story strikes just the right balance between believable relationships, such as Cara and Jeff's, and the more 'unusual' bonds and ties that hold other characters together. Some characters I warmed to, others seem to be completely mad, but every page left me wanting to move onto the next. I liked that you know some aspects of what's happening before Cara herself, as you read the novel from two perspectives: Cara's and Amy's; at times I wanted to shout out to her!

I never found myself getting bored; the pacing was just right and the way Karen Perry describes Cara's thoughts and feelings felt very convincing. I love her writing and I am so pleased that Your Closest Friend is another hit for me.

Many thanks to Michael Joseph UK for providing a copy of this novel on which I chose to write an honest and unbiased review.