A review by lassarina
Luck Is No Lady by Amy Sandas


I had no real idea what to expect going into this but it was so charming and delightful! I really loved Emma's competence and determination. I loved Bentley being so much warmer than he seems. I'm delighted by the younger sisters and great-aunt Angelique. I really liked the Mason Hale plot - it went in a different direction than I had expected.

The thing I loved most: that Emma is the one who steps up and says, hey, I want to have sex with you. I mean, Bentley starts it with kisses and stuff--and then he backs away because he is absolutely not going to ruin a young woman of good name, and then Emma makes her own choices very deliberately knowing the potential consequences. It was a lovely way to handle consent. (Also, hot DAMN, that was hot stuff. *fans self*)

The one problem I had is that it's clear that several of these plots are intended to be resolved in sequels that are at least partially concurrent with this book, and that makes those plots feel incomplete. We don't get a resolution to the reason Emma is working for Bentley (from his side); we don't know exactly what went down with Lily; we don't know what is going on at all with Portia. I'm thoroughly interested in reading the latter two books, but it did make this one feel unfinished and knocked it down from five stars.