A review by antlersantlers
Subtly Worded by Teffi


I definitely would not have picked this up but for my 2015 reading challenge. It is a book of short stories by Teffi, a Russian writer and humorist who was extremely popular in her day. There were definitely some gems in the mix, particularly The Lifeless Beast. I am going to add that to my repertoire of good single short stories to recommend. I also enjoyed her account of meeting Rasputin, the titular story "Subtly Worded," and "My First Tolstoy." Unfortunately my interest flagged by the end of the book. I'm not sure if it's because of the subjects of the pieces or me wanting to be done with the book. Probably both.

I read this for the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge! Task 19: A book that was originally published in another language! And technically I already read one originally published in another language ([b:The Strange Library|23128304|The Strange Library|Haruki Murakami|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1419549475s/23128304.jpg|42676389]), I'm trying not to double dip.