A review by juliamascioli
Four Souls by Louise Erdrich


I had a little trouble getting into this book, but it ended up being well worth the time. I read this because I'd read (and loved) Tracks, and wanted to know what happens next. So if you haven't read Tracks, remedy that as soon as possible.

Both books center around Fleur Pillager, though neither is told from her perspective. Both books are told in alternating POV chapters from Nanapush and another character. In Tracks, they're all directly involved in the action though, whereas Four Souls takes a little while to get going because the narrative feels rather distant and un-urgent (what's the word for that?). Around the halfway mark though, one of the POV characters developed his own storyline independent of Fleur and became very wrapped up in that. I was unsure how things would come together (or if they would) but the end was quite lovely and satisfying.