A review by typewriterjess
Nancy Drew 06: The Secret of Red Gate Farm by Carolyn Keene


In my Nancy Drew experience, I've found that the books, being written by all sorts of different authors, fall into two categories:

1) Nancy goes somewhere, takes on a difficult mystery, almost dies like eight times, finds secret passages, and beats the villain with her smarts! (See: Lilac Inn)

2) Nancy goes somewhere, has lunch, has lunch again, has lunch one more time, and the answer to the entire mystery just appears, as if by magic! (See: Mirror Bay. As a side note, what WAS with the obsession with eating in these books...?)

Unfortunately, Red Gate falls more into the latter category.

In between episodes of eating a LOT of sundaes, this mystery seemed waaaay too easily solved. The classic dress-up-like-the-bad-guys scheme took our friends sooooo long to figure out, it was a little aggravating. But if it hadn't taken them so long, the book might've been like 20 pages, so...

I'm also not really sure why exactly one would give a cult (with a name like Black Snake) (huh) (they sound SO friendly!) a place on their farm to do Most Suspect Activities in the first place. That doesn't seem like a very good idea, just sayin'. And it wasn't really much of a secret, to be honest...Misleading title is misleading.

It also had a really lame ending. The villains had potential, but they were just a group of classic Mua-ha-ha villains with no real apparent motive other than BECAUSE WE CAN!! ...Quite disappointing. Or maybe I'm just getting too old to read these, I'm not really sure. XD