A review by mari_escapeinabook
Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink


My tears have dried and I'm finally able to write a review. I cried through the last 30 pages of the book, and that ladies and gentlemen was not because the book was poorly written. Why I didn't give this book a five star rating? I'm saving it for Guardian of the Gate ;)

And so the Prophecy begins :

"Perhaps because it seems so appropriate, I don't notice the rain. It falls in sheets, a blanket of silvery thread rushing to the hard almost-winter ground. Still, I stand without moving at the side of the coffin."

What's the book about?

Twin sisters Lia and Alice and their little brother Henry have recently become orphans. The day their father is buried one of the sisters discovers a strange mark on the underside of her wrist. The mark is the beginning to a revelation of a dark prophecy that takes rivalry between sisters to a whole new level(and has done so for ages). The prophecy is old and hard to interpret, it's like a riddle, to understand the meaning of it all help is needed. But where can one turn for help, who to trust?

My thoughts on Prophecy of the Sisters:

I loved it and cannot wait to get my hands on the next book, Guardian of the Gate! It is hard to believe that Prophecy of the Sisters is Michelle Zink's debut novel. This is a skilfully crafted novel with three dimensional characters. This book was a treat and extremely hard to put down, it might not have been such a good idea to start this book less than a week before my exam.

If you read the first paragraph you noticed the gloomy beginning, this novel has a very Gothic feel all the way through. It fits perfect to a story based on a prophecy set in New York in the Victorian era. I could just about feel the rain and the wind seeping off the pages. Zink never bores the reader with tedious descriptions of things and places. See I kind of have an issue with overly detailed descriptions *blush* If there's one thing I might put my finger on it must be the character Henry, I so wish we'd get to know him a bit better, that he was a bigger part of the plot. Perhaps we will see more of him in the future?

If the second book, Guardian of the Gate is 10 times better I need to be alone once I get my hands on it. Lock myself up in a room and stay there with my book.