A review by michcocoop
Naked by Eliza Redgold


Historical fiction is known for a lot of things, but being a quick read isn’t typically one of them. When I sat down to read Naked: A Novel of Lady Godiva I did not think I would be closing the back cover a mere five hours later, but that is exactly what happened. From the second I started Eliza Redgold’s novel about the famous Lady Godiva I was was hooked, and I could not put it down.

Like most people who have ever heard her tale, I’ve always been fascinated by Lady Godiva (and not just because she did enough to get a chocolate brand named after her). The idea that a noble woman would ride through the streets of her town naked to save her people from unfair taxes always made me think that Godiva was a woman before her time. Yes, I am fully aware that many believe her famous ride never actually happened. I’ve done my research into her actual history and I’ve decided I just don’t care if it was true or not. Her story is a great one, and after reading Eliza Redgold’s novel I love the tale even more than I did before.

Eliza paints such a vivid picture with her writing. Not a Tolkien “I’m going to explain every rock and piece of dirt” picture, but more of a Van Gogh picture. The details aren’t extra clear but as a whole the book is a beautiful work of art. She blends romance, history, and adventure so effortlessly that you really feel as if you are experiencing Godiva’s journey for yourself. The story never feels rushed and there aren’t any parts that you are rushing to get through. Eliza has an amazing gift when it comes to bringing history to life and she excels at doing just that with Naked. If you are a fan of historical fiction then Naked definitely needs to be added to your list!

Disclosure: We received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Link to review: http://thetipsyverse.com/2015/07/23/book-review-naked-novel-lady-godiva/