A review by fictionophile
Christmas at the Beach Café by Lucy Diamond


There is a lovely little Café in Carrawn Bay, Cornwall. Evie Flynn has inherited the Beach Café from her Aunt Jo. Her boyfriend of five months, Ed, is the Café's chef. After a busy summer of tourist trade, Evie wants nothing more than to have a cozy, romantic Christmas.  Just her and Ed, the most perfect Christmas ever.

On the first day of December she roots out Aunt Jo's Christmas decorations, searching for her glass angel. Her Aunt Jo had given the angel to Evie and her sisters when they were children.  Her twin sisters had broken theirs, but hers is intact and she treasures it.

When she finds it, she tumbles from the attic ladder and it shatters. This omen precedes several other small disasters that make Evie fear her 'perfect' Christmas is doomed.

Together, she and Ed are making a cookbook to give out as gifts to their friends and customers. "Recipes from the Beach Café" is still not finished and they must get to it before the holiday arrives. 

Unexpected company arrives in the form of Ed's younger brother Jake - and then Evie's best friend Amber. Another minor disaster takes place when Jake spills a bottle of wine on Evie's laptop - the Christmas Cookbook was on it, and Evie hadn't backed it up!

A serious snowfall prohibits her houseguests from leaving, yet she will end up with even more company on the big day!

"Christmas was all about magical moments, even when you were a grown-up."

I loved the setting of this novella. In fact I think the setting is what made me purchase it in the first place.  The characters were charming. There are some scrumptious sounding recipes at the back of the book.

If you are suffering from pre-holiday stress and want a quick, light read, then this is the book for you.  This chick-lit Christmas novel is so light it could pass for a meringue. A feel-good bit of fluff that will de-stress you, not a serious read by any means.  This is the first I've read of Lucy Diamond, and to be honest, it is just a bit to 'fluffy' for my tastes. It is good for a reader who has a lot on their mind and just wants to 'veg-out' with a book.