A review by rosetyper9
One Amazing Thing by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni


The first thought that popped into my head as I read the synopsis was 'The Decameron'. For those of you who haven't read it, 'The Decameron' is about a group of people in ancient Italy? who flee to the mountains in order to escape the black plague, they then tell each other stories. That just seemed like it was so similar to this book, not a bad thing at all, it take guts to write a book stringing stories well together.

I liked this book for it's premise mostly. 'One Amazing Thing' started out a bit slow and then progressed a bit only to take a cliff dive off the deep end. Once the characters started to tell their stories, the whole book seemed to lose a bit of focus, and in turn as a reader, so did I. The characters were well thought of and the author did an excellent job putting these characters together in one place, and also with the choosing of the character's backgrounds. I just never felt that hook that draws you head first into a story. 'One Amazing Thing' was just ok, in my opinion. I still love the idea of the book though and it has an excellent theme; I'll let you figure it out for yourself.