A review by brightboldlife
Loveology: God. Love. Marriage. Sex. And the never-ending story of male and female. by John Mark Comer


Loveology by John Mark Comer explores the topics of love, marriage and sexual ethics. It aims to answer many complicated questions around those topics and gives a good overview of what the Bible has to say about male female relationships.
I am a big fan of John Mark Comer and there were many sections of the book I really loved and enjoyed.
However, in my opinion the book ignores the fact that most people have experienced some form of sexual trauma, abuse or hurt. The teaching that if we remain "pure" until marriage will result in us having sex in marriage that is instantly amazing and blissful is untrue and harmful.
That being said, John Mark Comer paints a beautiful picture of the ideal God orginally designed. I just think the book falls short in acknowledging the work and healing that is needed to get there beyond not crossing certain lines.