A review by mafryc
The Highwayman's Daughter by Henriette Gyland


Completely and utterly eye-rollingly unnecessarily complicated.
Yet again we see an original plot with a plenty of RomCom potential go down the drain, being pulled under by obsessively repetitive thoughts that will make you want to bang your head against a wall, multiple gag-inducing scenes, and moments where readers, if you're like myself, will stare slack-jawed before exclaiming, "HOW ARE YOU THIS STUPID?"

You could quite literally fill 3 chapters of Cora pining for "the life she knew she'd never have" (though of course, it's grossly obvious she'll get that life in the end).
Other instances include
- She loved him so deeply and knew she'd never love another the same way.
- Our circumstances are different and we can never be together.
- We're from such different social spheres, it's impossible for us to even hope we could marry.
- She realized the futility of her wishing they could be together.
- He's just toying with me; after he's done playing games then he'll marry someone of his own status.
- She just needed to leave because all the happy moments they spent with each other would just make her heart ache more when they have to part ways because, of course, they could never be together.....

We all know you're FREAKING GOING TO GET TOGETHER, so for the love of all that's good in the literary world, PLEASE cut the crap.

The only star is for at least a semblance of originality in plot, even though saturated with overused clichés like, "our fingers brushed and I felt sparks," "I shivered, and he gave me his coat," and "He looked at me and said, 'You bewitch me.'"