A review by rankkaapina
Cybersexism: Sex, Gender and Power on the Internet by Laurie Penny


This was a quick read. Nothing really new, but very well put and collected. To sum it up, a quote from the book:

"According to the current logic of online misogyny, a woman's right to self-expression is less important by far than a man's right to punish her for that self-expression. What appears to upset many of these men more than anything else is the idea that any woman or a girl, anywhere, might have a voice, might be successful, might be more socially powerful than they themselves are - at least, that's the message I get every time I'm told that I've got a lot to say for myself, and my silly little girl's mouth could be more usefully employed sucking one of the enormous penises that these commentators definitely all possess."

I can't really say it any better than that. I mean, the book deals with other stuff as well, and it's an enjoyable read, if you can say that about a depressing subject.