A review by capturedinwords
The Doldrums and the Helmsley Curse by Nicholas Gannon


My video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgiB1HeBEX4

The Doldrums adventure continues in The Doldrums and the Helmsley Curse. While this is a "stand-alone" sequel, meaning you do not have to read the first book to read this, I would still recommend reading it, if not just to see the authors progress as a writer. This is a huge step up from the first one, and I enjoyed the first book. Nicholas Gannon also does all of the illustrations for each book, so you wouldn't want to miss these. The hardcover edition has full-color illustrations as well as smaller black and white ones. I have to mention how beautiful the cover is, it feels very Christmas-y and I'm so glad I read this in winter.

The Doldrums

After coming back from boarding at Raven Wood Academy, Archer finally gets to meet his grandparents; the famous explorers who got lost on an iceberg in the first book. While Archer is ecstatic, the rest of Rosewood is suspicious. The Society has been claiming that the Helmsley's iceberg incident was all a hoax. A snowstorm is on its way and the city of Rosewood is declaring it to be due to the Helmsley curse.
The Doldrums
Archer along with Adelaide, Oliver, and their new neighbor Kana set out on an adventure to save their grandparents reputation and expose the truth of what happened in Antarctica.

The Doldrums

The book follows the main trio from last time, as well as some new faces such as their odd neighbor Kana who can't keep her eyes off Oliver, and Benjamin who was Archer's roommate at boarding school and whose father is a VERY prominent member of the Society. These two new characters along with multiple new side characters creates some fantastic interaction and crafty dialogue that continues to be charming and humorous. There isn't a whole lot of character development or depth to the majority of the cast, but considering this is a middle-grade book I had no problem with it. It's fun to read and that's what matters.

The Doldrums and the Helmsley Curse has all the charisma of the first book while also implementing greater pacing, intrigue, mystery, and adventure. It is evident Gannon's writing is stronger in this book and his illustrations never fail to warm your heart. We finally get a look into this adventurers 'Society' that we only got mere mentions of in the first book. From the ending it appears that the third installment will be very promising!