A review by thebooktrail88
Escondida by Ross Armstrong


I don't really know how to review this book. It's a little strange - yup definately strange and it was difficult to get into. Lily Gullick lives life through her binoculars and her world is out world as she narrates the novel in first person. I can't say I felt comfortable inside her head but I suppose that was the point.

She starts to obsess over the life of those in the flats opposite - people watching in the extreme - but before long she starts to see things she doesn't want to. And this is where it starts to get creepy.

Lily is a very unique character - she’s been working on a book on Alfred Hitchcock and this book does take on the shape of a Hitchcock like world. Lily also plays with your mind - she sees a murder take place and then becomes the detective. She’s not the only person to have gone missing in the area you see.

This all seeing woman seems to know more than she lets on. She’s a strange one and there’s no mistake.

What I did like about the novel was the sense of limited space, of being watched without realising it, of the birdwatcher becoming an all seeing eye of the city below and around her. This is London where people, like birds, like in concrete high rise cages, where tall towers overlook smaller and posher apartments. Where space and money equals status. And where you never really know who is watching you....