A review by bozzi1
Not Another Sarah Halls: The wicked have no empathy for the pure by Haley Newlin

mysterious tense fast-paced


Spoiler Free Book Review

Girls in Oakhaven go missing, one after another, but most of the townspeople seem to forget after only a few weeks. Autumn Rise can’t forget, not when her best friend Becca tells her to let it go, not even when she has to fight the demons in her own mind. Will she solve the towns mystery or will she lose her internal battle and become the next lost girl?

I immediately related to both Autumn and Becca, despite my high school years being long, long behind me, which is a testament to how well their characters were written. I loved the use of change in timeline to show the ebb and flow of their friendship and how it leads toward the true sinister reason behind the girls disappearances. 

I did get a little confused within the timeline in a couple of places early on, but I think that was reader error. I tend to prefer when a year is given if the timeline jumps within a story, mainly because it keeps me from overthinking and getting lost. I would have also loved a little more backstory regarding the supernatural aspect, but those are my only critiques. This is a plot I’ve seen versions of before, but there were plenty of unique points and I could easily see this being turned into a movie. The descriptions of Autumn’s visions were particularly eerie and even gave me goosebumps. 

On the surface Not Another Sarah Halls, is a YA supernatural horror, but the depth of the story is what makes it such an impressive debut. This is a story about the power of friendship and learning to trust yourself. It’s a compelling look at mental health and the strength it takes to win against our biggest fears, the ones we all too often find inside our own mind. 

Thanks to the author for gifting me this book in exchange for an honest review. I’ve also been fortunate enough to read Haley’s follow up novel, Take Your Turn Teddy, so I can tell you this wasn’t a fluke…Haley Newlin can write and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!