A review by contracat25
Doctor Who and the Daleks by David Whitaker


I am a huuuuuge fan of doctor who so I enjoyed this book, though I have to say the intro by Neil Gaiman and the historical facts about the book were my favorite part. Learning about the daleks was awesome and it was pretty entertaining, but I had an issue with the first person. I think a mix of the time the book was written and the focus made the book at bit hard to get through, because Ian Chesterton's perspective irritated me to no end. His sexist, arrogant viewpoint bugged me, especially how he treated Barbara. The viewpoint also didn't leave as much about the doctor as I wanted, which in my opinion would have been a stronger first person, or maybe just third person. I really do get that a lot of it is that it is older and I tried to keep that in mind, but yeah Ian made the book hard. Besides this thought the book gave a cool viewpoint of the early Doctor, Doctor Who history and the progression of TV in general, a must have for Doctor Who fans :)