A review by ccgwalt
A Christmas Promise by Mary Balogh


Grade B/B-

This was a mostly enjoyable, sometimes humorous, story of a marriage across the strict social divide of regency England. There are some similarities to Heyer's book, [b:A Civil Contract|311132|A Civil Contract|Georgette Heyer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1370388195l/311132._SY75_.jpg|3228237], although A Christmas Promise is more light-hearted overall and with an HEA solidly planted in Romancelandia. One of the things I like about A Civil Contract is the believability of the emotions and the fact that, in the end there is a comfortable contentedness about the marriage. Here we get all the passion and one usually expects in romance novels.

Balogh is an excellent wordsmith, so reading her books is always a pleasure. A Christmas Promise is entertaining and light, if somewhat forgettable. It's a nice Christmas story, perfect for the season.