A review by corsarahnera
Some Girls: My Life in a Harem by Jillian Lauren


5 stars because the reader gets the information that is expected.
How is a woman trafficked in Brunai to satisfy the sexual (and not only sexual) needs of a narcissist prince with shit-loads of money at his disposal.

If you are interested in this, please go ahead and read the book. If you are interested in the fairy tale of a harem, this is not a fairy tale. This is reality. This is what Jeffrey Epstein women and girls trafficking must have looked like, this is what the Thai King Rama X harem probably looks like. This is reality.

Interesting and informative.
It is a rare glimpse inside the life of the Sultan and the Price Jefri lives in Brunei. Everything they do in their private life is very interesting. Most of the situations described in the book are forbidden by the sharia law in Brunei and normal citizens would be stoned to death or have their hands and feet cut off.
In Brunei, there are no fair elections and a huge reserve of Oil. So you can imagine the human rights violations that may take place in a country where the Sultan is a god and the common citizen has no rights. everything is own by a small amount of hyper-rich personalities and one of them is Prince Jefri, which is the focus of this book.
Another interesting aspect of life in Brunei, a country where there is no freedom of speech for a normal citizen, is the EXTREME surveillance, the bodyguards everywhere, the phones are tapped, the cameras are behind every mirror, how locked-down and isolated the girls were. The fact that the girls passports were taken (confiscated?) at the arrivals. The fact that inside the hotels (that belong to Prince Jefri anyway) the girls had no way to get out as there was a guard (spy?) outside their doors. These details help the reader to understand how human trafficking works and give a picture of how suffocating must be to live in a country where there is no freedom whatsoever.
However, Jillian is not a finance expert and she does not get any confidential information about how prince Jefri was “stealing money from Brunei” or “mismanaging the finance of the Sultan” or secret agreement over the oil and the gas resources with other countries etc… This news came out later in the newspapers.