A review by ncrabb
Будущее вещей: Как сказка и фантастика становятся реальностью by David Rose, Дэвид Роуз


This will be an unfortunately short review. Essentially, this is the author’s perspective of how our world will look over the next few years with regard to how we interface with seemingly ordinary things.

I guess I was turned off by the book because of what I saw as an obsession with things visual. Lots of space given to heads-up glasses, all kinds of razzle-dazzle screens, even digital signs. In all fairness, he does give a parenthetical tip of the hat to braille in signage in the short section on digital signs.

The guy clearly has the street creds to write this; I’m not doing it justice. I wish someone else would read this and perhaps do a more even-handed job than I’ve done. It’s just that somehow it already feels outdated to me; I kind of yawned my way through much of it. I hope your experience hugely differs from mine; indeed, I’ve no doubt it will.