A review by amandas_books
Show Me by Neve Wilder


4.5 stars from me!

This book had me looking up recipes for Rotel dip. Take that statement as you will.

My favorite part about this book is that each main character had a distinctive personality that was noticeable in the dialogue and narration of their respective chapters. And, such personalities they were! Jesse is my adorable, clever baby. Sam is a hottie athlete golden retriever, and he has a brain! I love a book with two nice characters - but don't confuse nice for boring. This book was far from dull.

The writing of these characters was so charming and witty. But it didn't fall into the trap where every sentence turns into a joke, and it's too much. I've seen that happen in other books, and I'm glad it didn't happen in this one. This one was perfect (to me).

What would have made this a perfect 5 stars to me?
- More descriptive spicy scenes. I mean, don't get me wrong, it had plenty of spice and it was hot. But a lot of the most descriptive scenes were solo scenes. There were a couple steamy scenes that (in my opinion) could have been key scenes (like the first rimming), but weren't described. We had a couple FTB sex scenes, and that shocked me. I think penetrative sex was fully described once and mostly described another time (off the top of my head, I might be slightly off on that). I just expected more? But whatever was in there was VERY GOOD. I mean, the book was already over 300 pages, so I guess there's only so much that coulda been described without overdoing it.
SpoilerI totally felt the chemistry and connection between Jesse and Sam BUT I was surprised they arrived at the I love yous when they did. Like, I felt the strong like factor, but I didn't feel the love at that point.

Some Random Thoughts:
- Like Jesse, I never thought I cared much about feet. But the foot job scene - holy hell!
- Mark is annoying.
- Reid is a wanker.

Some favorite quotes, I can't explain why I loved these quotes but they were just clever or something:

The question marks on the end of this guy's sentences were starting to throw me into an existential crisis.

"Then sit back and watch your kingdom grow." He spangled his fingers through the air.

Twin Rorschachs of spunk.

His eyes kept straying to the one ball hanging out of my jock--unintentional escape artistry on the part of my testicles.

Was he trying to
Cyrano de Bergerac my date?

"You would kill it on this show," Sam said, sotto voce, and I felt the warmth of his large hand close around my toes and squeeze.

My body was just a vast sea of sensorial endpoints rippling with Sam's every touch.

I rolled over on my little Manhattan Island of mattress, putting my back to him, and closed my eyes, willing myself back into dreamland.

My baseline was an anxiety minefield, and my metal detector was constantly crapping out on me.

Sam slid from the edge of the bed and stood for another languid stretch, this time exhibiting his back muscles. God, all that was missing was a fan of peacock plumes bursting from his ass.

"Considering we were both that slammed, I'm not sure how... functional either of us were."
"The spirit may have been willing, but the flesh was very definitely--"

Some stuff:
Angst: 1/5
Spice Frequency: 3/5
Spice Level: 3/5