A review by joana_stormblessed
A Pinch of Magic by Michelle Harrison


This book was whimsical, magical and a perfect read to cleanse my pallet from reading adult fantasy. If you like audiobooks, I recommend this one because the narrator has an awesome British accent and the voices she makes are perfect.
Quick warning: this is on the younger side of YA. I even wonder if it isn't considered middle grade.

What is it about?
Betty Widdershins dreams of leaving her home town and go on adventures, but her Granny keeps her and her 2 other sisters under high surveillance. The Widdershins' mother is dead and their father is in jail, thus Granny is their guardian and she takes her role very seriously. One day, Betty decides to take her younger sister on an adventure and her Granny shows up and takes them home. There she explains to them that the reason they cannot leave the town is because the women in their family have been cursed over a century ago. In fact, as soon as a Widdershins girl tries to leave, she dies.
On a more positive note, Granny tells the girls that there are 3 magical family heirlooms that they can each inherit: 1) a magical mirror that allows you to see anything you want (perfect for spying) 2) a turning bag that allows you to travel to any place you want to and 3) a set of stacking dolls that allow you to become invisible and to turn others invisible as well.
The three Widdershins girls learn more about the curse that was cast on their family by breaking someone out of jail (no not their father) and hearing the ancient stories. They decide to take matters into their own hands and to use the 3 magical artifacts to break this century-old curse...

What I thought:
Listen, even though this was a little bit juvenile for my age, I loved it. This combined so many elements of things that I like that I could not not love it. I listened to 63% of this book in one go. It had me captured from the beginning and I must say that it did not disappoint. The whimsy and magical atmosphere that Harrison creates in this novel is simply what I needed to escape the tons of grim dark I read.
Now here's the other thing: 4 stars is a high rating. I am giving it that high a rating because I know that I am not the intended audience for it, and even s it captivated me. Of course, you might see some high epic fantasy that I read 4 stars, but both books do not compare. This book accomplished what it set out to do, and for me it worked. If i ever have kids or nephews/nieces, this is one that I will keep on my radar to keep their creativity and imagination going.