A review by writeralicia
Taken by Erin Bowman


Review also posted on my blog: http://www.fantasyfloozies.com/2013/01/book-review-taken-by-erin-bowman.html

First of all, thanks to Edelweiss and HarperCollins for sending us an Advance Reading Copy of this book.

This was a refreshing read for me, but it's not something I would recommend to my co-blogger, Kenya. One of the many (many) differences between our reading preferences is that I'm not a romance junkie. Sure, I like good alpha male as much as the next girl, and I'm sure as heck not going to turn away from a good sex scene . . . but I don't need a strong romantic plot or subplot to fall in love with a book.

If romance is your thing, this book may not be for you. The romance takes a back seat to the rest of the story, which was just fine by me.

Taken has some similarities to Mockingjay, except it was better executed. (Sorry, Suzanne Collins fans; Mockingjay was a huge disappointment for me!) At the beginning, boys disappear from Claysoot in a flash of light on their eighteenth birthdays. Pretty cool! And when the circumstance behind the Heists is revealed, it makes sense. The author created a believable dystopia with a rational basis. Win!

The dystopian world begins to come apart at the seams, and there's a rebellion in the making. Only unlike in Mockingjay, where the protagonist is little more than figurehead, we get to see the main character fully involved in making a change. There were hard choices that had to be made between loved ones and freedom.

Now let's talk about the romance: I was truly torn between the two love interests. On the one hand, sweet Emma is Gray's first love. She represents innocence. But Bree has more in common with Gray toward the end of the book. She represents fight and change. I liked both of them. I also liked how Gray kept his focus on the rebellion instead of fawning all over the girls. This just made sense to me; I bought it.

So why not five stars?

I just didn't love it. It was good.

It had all the right parts. But I can't recall ever being on the edge of my seat, or feeling like my heart was being ripped out, or itching to flip ahead and see what happens. In short, this is a good, solid book with all the right ingredients. And the Heist concept is just awesome. But it didn't blow me away.